Sights and Sounds of Bangladesh

                       06 Dec 2007


Bangladesh … with 130 million people… is one of the most densely populated countries in the world.  On the average, there are nearly 2200 people per square mile.  The city streets are always crowded. … The river ways are a constant motion of people and produce. … The markets are full of buyers and sellers. ...  Hard working farmers produce two or three crops each year. … Schools are overflowing with children eager to learn.  And, … the population of the country continues to increase at the rate of about two million each year. 


 Bangladesh is a small country surrounded on three sides by India. The southern border opens up into the Bay of Bengal.  Dhaka, Chittagong, Khulna, and Jessore are the four major cities in the south. These four cities represent only about 12% of the total population. The bulk of the people live in rural areas where nearly 80% are farmers.  Some live and work on large farms but the average size is less than one acre. Hard work, good soil, plenty of water, and a tropical climate make it possible for this country to feed its millions.

 Bangladesh is a country of riches and of poverty; … a country where 85% are Muslim Islam is the official state religion;… a country riddled with corruption; … a country with friendly people who must struggle to survive; and, … a country that has nearly exhausted its room to grow.

 Come and visit us to see how we live and make do with very little.

 Ending scene (49 seconds) of people with the Muslim call to prayer in a small village.

Overlay:  Near end of scene “This is Bangladesh.”


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