West Africa
TOURA UPDATE ... Spring 2004

                       06 Dec 2007

  Since December of 2000 when the original Toura videos were photographed, many changes have taken place. 

 September 2002 brought civil war to Cote d’Ivoire dividing the country.  For personal safety, it was necessary for missionaries, Steve and Susan Roach, to leave the country.  For over a year no word was available concerning the fate of the people of Dantomba.  Finally, in October 2003, word came that although many Toura villages had suffered, Dantomba had been spared from conflict.  The heartbreaking news was that an undiagnosed epidemic had swept the village and many of the children had died including Zoe and Clarice’s precious 4-year old daughter, Rebecca.  Clarice, too, came down with an undiagnosed illness and fell into a coma for several days.  All the doctors in the nearby town had fled.  They were without modern medicine.  When a group of Christians prayed over Clarice, she opened her eyes.  She is regaining strength now and is able to return to work.  God did amazing things during this time.

 The few believers in Dantomba and in other Toura villages continue to grow stronger and are seeking God’s will.  In early 2004, five of these believers made a very difficult three-day journey by bus traveling across two countries to meet with Steve and Susan.  These believers spent a week with Steve and Susan who have been reassigned to another West African country.  During this time, these key Toura believers tried to learn all they could about planting churches and teaching others about the one true God.

 PRAY for these five faithful Toura believers in how to best reach their kinsmen.

PRAY for a church planting movement to begin among the Toura.

PRAY for resolution of the Civil War in Cote d’Ivoire.

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