West Africa

                       06 Dec 2007

Centuries ago in a land far away there was a blind man wandering aimlessly in the wilderness.  Others did not know he was blind because he acted like he knew where he was going.   They followed him and wore a path that leads to nowhere.  The Fulbe are still following that path that so many have traveled before them.
One day a man came along who was walking a different path and only a few followed him at first.  But the more people that went his way, the more visible his path became.   It is a different path and there is a cross point where it meets with the old familiar path.  So now there is a choice about which path to take.
The Fulbe are at a cross point and they must ponder the path.  Do they take the one their forefathers have traveled for so long, or do they take the new path?  Those that have taken the new path confidently say that it is
the only way to get there.  Many don't believe them.  The majority say they are crazy and not worth following.  Yet their life is attractive.  The path they have taken is not.
The Fulbe are at a crosspoint of two separate paths.  They must leave one to get on the other, but it will cost them everything to leave the one they are on.   It will take every ounce of commitment of their heart, soul, and mind to come to this same place.  They will see that the footsteps they followed were necessary.  Then they will be confident to continue the journey that will last forever.  They will have found the path to paradise.       
PRAY that they will ponder the path they are on. 
PRAY that they will choose the path that leads to life.
PRAY for those few who have chosen the right path to be so filled with the presence of God that others will have confidence to go the way they went without giving up.
PRAY they will count the cost.
We need your help blazing a new trail through the bush.  Come help us, but know it will cost you everything too. 
PRAY that the Fulbe will not be so attracted to the end result that they take shortcuts to get there.  There are no shortcuts on the path of God.

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