West Africa
Worship with Us

                       06 Dec 2007

(sequence length 4 minutes 40 seconds)

On this Sunday morning, we are told that the men walk to church together and then the women come. Since there is no church in Dantomba, we must make this easy 15 minute walk down the dirt road to the next village of Bomba. As we turned toward the church, several of the local people greeted us.

Coming from this small church building were voices singing songs of praise to God in their native Toura. We could not understand the spoken language but we could understand the heart language. Their faces reflect their love for the one, true God. Our new friend, Zo Appolone, his brother, and others was leading the praise and worship time. The pastor gave a message and a guest also spoke. There were no pews here, no piano, and no organ but these people worshipped God with joy!

At the end of the service, we were greeted warmly by the people. As we began the walk back to Dantomba, I looked across this little village and thought about what a difference Jesus would make here. Zo and his family represent Jesus in Dantomba. I thanked God for his brother who told Zo about Jesus. I thanked God for changing Zo’s life in such a way that his wife, Clarice, wanted to know this Jesus. Will you pray with me for this precious family? Will you pray that their family and friends in Dantomba will see Jesus reflected in their lives?

This is one of the secret places where the spirits reside. We must not look or get close to this place. Again, I pray for these Toura people who believe so strongly in their traditions and customs. Jesus can change their lives to one of hope and peace rather than fear. Will you pray with me that the elders of Dantomba will have such a burning desire to know this Jesus?

Will you pray with me for the men, women, and children of Dantomba that they will see Jesus in the Christians they know? Will you pray with me for these Christians in Dantomba and Bomba that they will have opportunities to gently and lovingly share the love of Jesus? Will you pray for the Bible Study in Dantomba? Will you commit to pray…earnestly pray…for the people of Dantomba?


"Father God, I praise you for sending your only Son that we might know the Truth and the Truth can set us free! Father, I pray that the Truth will be revealed to these Toura people. I pray that their hearts will be tender and reaching toward You. Oh, Father, I pray that they would understand and know You. Help me, Father, to look at these people through your eyes of love."



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