The Cities of Bosnia
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                       28 Jan 2008

Busses and trains speeding along their tracks … tracks that wind their way from the suburbs to the inner city.  -- Cars jockeying for a better place …hoping to be the first in line. -- Traffic going by old structures in desperate need of renovation as well as shiny new facilities ready for business.   -- Trucks with their drivers waiting for their first load of the day.  --- And, people … waiting for the next bus.

 Life in urban Bosnia is much like other western cities.  Always on the move … always waiting in line … always hoping the journey will end soon.  People appear to be slaves to the trappings of their own making.  All are hurrying through their day and through their life anxious to reach its end, … yet, without true knowledge of what is at the end of life’s journey.  A marker, … like thousands of others, … will be set up at their final resting place.  It is sad that most of those buried here did not know where they would spend eternity.  It is now too late for the unaware and unfortunate souls that must remain in eternal torment.  But, what about those who are not at the end of life’s journey … those in the busses, the cars, the restaurants, and the office buildings? … Do they know where their journey will end?  Do they know where they will spend eternity?

 These are lives full of mistrust, skepticism, war, hatred, corruption, dilapidated economies, and yes, ... hopelessness.  Each one is desperate for a meaning in life -- searching in the mosques, following their traditions, and trusting in the Q’uoran.  They are told that if they are good enough they will be in paradise when they die.  The search continues for something that eludes them … for satisfaction of inner hunger and assurance of eternity.  Even at rest, true rest is not found.

 We see blurred and busy crowds. … Jesus sees individuals.  We see the rough, sometimes angry exterior. … Jesus sees beyond the veneer to the emptiness inside. The Bible tells us that when Jesus looked upon the multitudes, He was moved with compassion because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.  Jesus said, “Come unto me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

            In a world running out of time, these multitudes do not know rest or where to find it --- they are a picture of lostness.   Jesus is calling them to the life He intended for them all along, but it is difficult to hear Him through all the noise … the traffic … the busyness of each day’s routine.  They need to hear Jesus calling their name, as Mary did at the empty tomb.  What a difference it would make if they could meet Jesus … if they could accept Him as their Lord and Savior.            

 Those who know Jesus need to hear Him as well.  They need to hear Him calling … “You … WILL be My witnesses”;  “GO … and MAKE disciples”;   “FEED My sheep”; 

(Maybe a different voice --- that deep voice from heaven! --- saying these phrases from Scripture slowly and with pauses in between for effect)

We must GO and TELL them! … We MUST tell them about Jesus!


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