Education – The Force for Change

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                       28 Mar 2008


Mexico has over 2.4 million students seeking degrees in higher education.  These students are attending one of the 3,000 universities or technical schools of Mexico … and the numbers continue to grow.

 The dreams and aspirations of these students is fueled by opportunities of good pay and respected social standing.

 They have become a driving force in the future of the country.

 NAFTA … the North American Free Trade Agreement has spawned the “free trade generation”.  Students seeking a better future for themselves and their country put much of their hope on free trade. This generation of students between the ages of 18 and 29 are the force that is bringing about social, philosophical and economic changes in the country.

 Puebla is a university city.  There are _15________ institutions of higher learning within the city.  Some have large sprawling campuses with classrooms, lecture halls, sports arenas and dormitories, while others are small and jammed in among office buildings.  … Some are public schools … others are private.  … Some teach engineering … others teach medicine … but all seek to mold the student so that he or she will be better able to lead the nation in the future.

 Many students, … realizing the future that is ahead of them, … look to their education as a religion.  The educational institutions have replaced the Catholic Church as the focus of the spiritual life.  Church attendance among students is very low.  Lower still is the number of those who are considered to be evangelical Christians.


Overlay …

< 2% are Evangelical Christians


 Listen to what some of the students have to say about the relevance of the church in their life. …

(On camera comments from a couple of those at the ESL class at the student center.)

The rejection of strong religious conviction has given rise to problems of morality, heavy drinking, and a wayward lifestyle.

 Cults such as Hare Krishna, Mormon, Jehovah Witnesses, etc. are making strong inroads on the campus.

These students are Mexico’s future but will that future be the “Free Trade Generation” based on NAFTA or the Christian life based on the Bible?


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